[QGIS-Developer] Last call for switching to github issue tracker

DelazJ delazj at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 02:54:22 PST 2018


my 2cts (and I have a partial view of what is discussed here)

Who actually are the target of this desire of move: developers (who are
missing ability to do some magics in the backend) or issue reporters (who
would find Redmine difficult and Github better/easier)?

As an issue reporter I agree that Redmine may not obvious at the beginning
(i've been lost many times), not sexy and missed the ability to ping
people. Now that i'm used to it and given the latest changes, it does what
I need to do (and I agree that my needs may be lower than developers').
Apart from Github design being more appealing, and once again regarding
what I do with it, i fail to see what it offers more than Redmine (from an
issue report management perspective of course). I even wonder if it's
possible in github (fail to find such a repo) for the reporter to label/tag
the issue he is reporting or will we deploy a team to do things the
reporter currently does himself in Redmine (set category, release...). so I
personally have no problem to stay there.
What I however really find not obvious is to have two different platforms
to report bugs (application vs website/docs).

>From a developer's perspective, I do not feel comfortable to express an

I also think that if we have to move, it should not be only for technical
reason; as some have already pointed out, there might be strategy but also
ethics. If there are tools fully open source that do the job (and used by
OSGeo members), we should really consider moving to them (and contribute to
improve them) rather than staying (only) on a proprietary tool (even though
there are tools to migrate). Better do the move once than twice (do not
forget that we would surely lose contributors in the move).

About Loomio votes, while some voters express their own convictions, I'd
like to remind that half of the voting members are representing their
national user group (whose members do not all/always follow this thread)
and from what I understand (but maybe I misunderstand this role) they are
their voice. So before any vote is proposed, it'd be nice to know what
would be the question(s) to vote on and give time to those voting members
to get some feedback from "their community". Thanks.


2018-01-18 20:16 GMT+01:00 Robert Szczepanek <robert at szczepanek.pl>:

> W dniu 18.01.2018 o 18:29, Tom Chadwin pisze:
>> Jorge Gustavo Rocha wrote
>>> It would be amazing if we could share things among OSGeo projects. We
>>> could dream with common resources, like glossaries, for example.
>> What a brilliant idea. Do we work with gvSIG to share translation
>> resource?
>> There must be considerable overlap.
>> Tom
> For sure there is a huge overlap with GRASS project. We use many phrases
> from GRASS project.
> Big +1 for this idea.
> regards
> Robert Szczepanek
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