[QGIS-Developer] Simple QGIS KML/KMZ Import

Carlo A. Bertelli (Charta s.r.l.) carlo.bertelli at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 14:23:51 PST 2018

XML and JSON formats do not adhere to the simple feature model of GDAL/OGR
that is reminiscent of a flat file or a relational table. And GDAL is one
of the base pillars for QGIS.
These are more similar to other storage models, say hierarchical or graphs,
so they enable a complex data structure that requires a pre-flight and asks
for some decisions to correctly represent their structure as a simple
feature or exceed it, delivering a complex relational system (if you can
guess some) or something other.
Maybe that's the new frontier for GDAL more than an opportunity for a
plugin. The same challenge is available for other formats like GPX,
geo/topoJSON, etc.
QGIS may implement much thoroughly the relevant options, but I think this
is work for GDAL.

On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 6:01 PM, C Hamilton <adenaculture at gmail.com> wrote:

> The challenge with KML imports is that its free form nature makes it
> difficult to conform to a table. I have large KMLs with nested folder
> structures. I find that these large KMLs crash QGIS if I try to import the
> entire thing and then each point gets rendered as a separate layer.
> It wouldn't be hard to write a script that just pulls out all the
> placemarks and writes them to a point layer, lines to a line layer, and
> polygons to a polygon layer. What I would loose is the folder structure and
> styling, but I could easily process large KMLs. I could consider a field in
> the layers that would be a string of the nested folders that each point,
> line, polygon were in.
> Would this be of interest as a plugin? Is anyone doing this already? There
> doesn't appear to be anything in the plugin repository.
> Thanks,
> Calvin
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Carlo A. Bertelli
   Charta servizi e sistemi per il territorio e la storia ambientale srl
          Dipendenze del palazzo Doria,
          vc. alla Chiesa della Maddalena 9/2 16124      Genova (Italy)
          tel./fax +39(0)10 2475439  +39 0108566195  mobile:+39 393 1590711
   e-mail: bertelli at chartasrl.eu      http://www.chartasrl.eu
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