[QGIS-Developer] Zoom to selected point (if only one point is selected)

Denis Rouzaud denis.rouzaud at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 09:06:34 PDT 2018

Le mer. 24 oct. 2018 à 12:04, Denis Rouzaud <denis.rouzaud at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hi,
> I guess that in terms of end user experience, the definition of a setting
> would perform the best.
> But
> - it's one more setting
> - the chance that it is not set or correctly set is big
> Maybe, the approach would be to fetch the canvas content and determines
> that ones needs to zoom out
not zoom out, zoom in sorry

> so that the symbol is not overlapping others or that there is sufficient
> screen width from its neighbours?
> Denis
> Le mer. 24 oct. 2018 à 04:27, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net> a
> écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Given a layer with POINT geometries, if only one point is selected, QGIS
>> doesn't zoom to this point, but only pans to the point so that the point is
>> in the center of the map canvas.
>> Now, I know that a single point does not have a dimension - but I still
>> think that the current behavious is not user friendly.
>> As an example: if your zoom level is at the whole dataset (many
>> kilometers wide), and QGIS only pans to that single point, it is almost
>> impossible to find that point.
>> How can we solve this issue? Here are my ideas:
>> a) QGIS points to a fraction (say 1%) of the overall width of all layers
>> in the project and uses that 1% width and pans to the point
>> b) The user can define a map scale that QGIS should use when zooming to
>> that single point
>> c) a combination of a) and b): if b) is set in the project, use the
>> setting, if not set, use the mechanism of a)
>> What are you thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> Andreas
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> --
> Denis Rouzaud
> denis at opengis.ch  <denis at opengis.ch>
> +41 76 370 21 22
> --

Denis Rouzaud
denis at opengis.ch  <denis at opengis.ch>
+41 76 370 21 22
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