[QGIS-Developer] GDAL and microstation dgn v8 files... Teiga ?

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Wed Apr 3 04:26:05 PDT 2019

On 03/04/2019 11.51, Even Rouault wrote:
>> Anybody experience with building GDAL with Teiga?
> For Linux, use the following switches for configure:
>   --with-teigha=path Include Teigha DWG/DGN support
>   --with-teigha-plt=platform Teigha platform
> Like:
> --with-teigha=$HOME/Teigha_lnxX64_5.3dll --with-teigha-plt=lnxX64_5.3dll

Thanks Even, I'll give it a try, IF I can find the lib (for free)...
Any pointers to the current library download?

I'm not able to find a sdk link at
Though the pricing page
seems to tell: only for selected universities it is free, and only for
non-commerical use ("in house") for $250.

>From Juergen I see that we use libdxfrw for dxf import..

Anyway, maybe a 'business' opportunity for 'commercial packagers' ? :-)


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