[QGIS-Developer] non-standard-library Python modules available to QGIS plugins

Raphael Das Gupta raphael.das.gupta at hsr.ch
Tue Apr 23 05:41:26 PDT 2019

Hi Jürgen

Thanks for the quick reply!

On 23.04.19 14:07, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
> The dependencies of python3-qgis are It's "documented" in debian/control.in
> ([0]).
> Jürgen
> [0]https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/debian/control.in#L370

I don't quite understand. (Maybe there's just a full-stop missing in 
your message between "are" and "It's"?) Are you saying that the 
dependencies of python3-qgis are "documented" (and that they are 
"documented" in 
https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/debian/control.in#L370) or are 
you saying that these dependencies actually are the "documentation" of 
what Python modules QGIS plugins are allowed to rely on (and implying 
that no other (or no more official) documentation/specification about 
that topic exists)?

Kind regards,

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