[QGIS-Developer] Find unmaintained plugins

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Feb 4 10:50:10 PST 2019

Hi Werner,

On 04/02/19 16:05, Werner Macho wrote:
> Hi,
> I also dislike the idea of removing plugins completely, as already
> pointed oout sometimes a plugin "just works" and there is no real
> maintenance needed.
> Also - even it is not maintained anymore the code inside can still be
> useful to create something new out of it. And without seeing the plugin
> everything would have to be invented again.
> so -1 from my side for  removing plugins that are orphaned unless they
> are part of a security / data integrity risk too. 

I don't think anybody wants to *remove* a plugin, just eventually tag it
to make it clear its situation to the user, or at worst deprecate it.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu

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