[QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8.0 on FreeBSD: build takes several hours

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Fri Jul 5 01:45:49 PDT 2019


An upstream bug has been closed on Qt side


I didn't find a matching one on LLVM side so I opened one



On 6/26/19 11:50 AM, Loïc Bartoletti wrote:
> Hi rainer,
> Le 26/06/2019 à 11:23, Rainer Hurling a écrit :
>>> - can you try with llvm 6 or 7 from ports (I think that FreeBSD 13 
>>> have llvm 8 by default)?
>> Loïc, this seems to be the right approach. With llvm 8 and 7 the 
>> build fails, with llvm 6 all builts fine!
>> As a fallback (workaround), I could enforce the port to use llvm 6, 
>> until the real cause is found.
> You should fill an issue to our bugzilla. Maybe llvm or core dev can 
> take a look at this bug? AFAIK, Ed found already an error (not 
> reproduced?) in FreeBSD devel with newest llvm version.
>> The problem seems to be with 
>> src/core/qgscoordinatereferencesystem_legacy.h and its long table, 
>> handled via QMap. Obviously, newer llvm versions (7 and 8) are not 
>> able to create the code correctly.
> I'll test with newer llvm version but on FreeBSD 12.
> It doesn't seem to affect Linux, since Docker is based on Ubuntu 19.04 
> and clang 8 if I'm not mistaken. Nyall, Denis, can you confirm?
> Regards
> Loïc
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