July 2019 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Jul 1 01:55:30 PDT 2019
Ending: Wed Jul 31 23:34:34 PDT 2019
Messages: 313
- [QGIS-Developer] [GRASS-dev] Bump to proj 6/gdal 3
Angelos Tzotsos
- [QGIS-Developer] [GRASS-dev] Bump to proj 6/gdal 3
Bas Couwenberg
- [QGIS-Developer] [Info][Howto] Python Processing script to create an output without input
João Gaspar
- [QGIS-Developer] [Info][Howto] Python Processing script to create an output without input
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-user] Dropping the extra label placement algorithms?
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] Any ways to make the browser show files on network?
- [QGIS-Developer] Any ways to make the browser show files on network?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Any ways to make the browser show files on network?
- [QGIS-Developer] Any ways to make the browser show files on network?
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] Backporting right-to-left legend work?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Backporting right-to-left legend work?
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] Backporting right-to-left legend work?
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] Backporting right-to-left legend work?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Batch-Mode-Error in Building Pyramids QGIS3.x
Elstermann, Mike
- [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS
- [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Bump to proj 6/gdal 3
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Bump to proj 6/gdal 3
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Bump to proj 6/gdal 3
Bas Couwenberg
- [QGIS-Developer] Bump to proj 6/gdal 3
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] Bump to proj 6/gdal 3
Bas Couwenberg
- [QGIS-Developer] Call for Grant Proposals 2019
Anita Graser
- [QGIS-Developer] cdash issues?
Alexis R.L.
- [QGIS-Developer] cdash issues?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Changelog for 3.8! ARgh!
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Chm from Lidar plugin approval
Roberta Fagandini
- [QGIS-Developer] Control execution order of processing algorihtm postprocessors
Tejas L
- [QGIS-Developer] Control execution order of processing algorihtm postprocessors
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Sandro Santilli
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes on exit
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Current state of QtWebKit dependency
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] DBManager save querys only saves selected code - Bug or Feature?
Alexandre Neto
- [QGIS-Developer] DBManager save querys only saves selected code - Bug or Feature?
Loïc Bartoletti
- [QGIS-Developer] DBManager save querys only saves selected code - Bug or Feature?
Alexandre Neto
- [QGIS-Developer] DBManager save querys only saves selected code - Bug or Feature?
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] DBManager save querys only saves selected code - Bug or Feature?
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] DBManager save querys only saves selected code - Bug or Feature?
Etienne Trimaille
- [QGIS-Developer] DBManager save querys only saves selected code - Bug or Feature?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] DBManager save querys only saves selected code - Bug or Feature?
Alexandre Neto
- [QGIS-Developer] Difficulties with custom bad layer handler in plugin code
Áron Gergely
- [QGIS-Developer] Difficulties with custom bad layer handler in plugin code
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Difficulties with custom bad layer handler in plugin code
Áron Gergely
- [QGIS-Developer] Difficulties with custom bad layer handler in plugin code
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Difficulties with custom bad layer handler in plugin code
Raymond Nijssen
- [QGIS-Developer] Difficulties with custom bad layer handler in plugin code
Áron Gergely
- [QGIS-Developer] Difficulties with custom bad layer handler in plugin code
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Dropping the extra label placement algorithms?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Dropping the extra label placement algorithms?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Dropping the extra label placement algorithms?
Carlo A. Bertelli (Charta s.r.l.)
- [QGIS-Developer] Dropping the extra label placement algorithms?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Dropping the extra label placement algorithms?
Carlo A. Bertelli (Charta s.r.l.)
- [QGIS-Developer] Fwd: QGIS Trademark in
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Fwd: QGIS Trademark in
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Generated columns in PostgreSQL 12
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Generated columns in PostgreSQL 12
Stefan Steiger
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 6 Report
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 7 Report
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 7 Report
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 7 Report
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 7 Report
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 7 Report
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 7 Report
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 7 Report
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 7 Report
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 8 Report
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 8 Report
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 8 Report
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 8 Report
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 8 Report
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 9 Report
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 9 Report
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 9 Report
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] How to select a small region of a QGIS raster image and calculate basic stats
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Inconsistency between the behaviors of "Identify Features" and "Select Features"
Paolo Tormene
- [QGIS-Developer] Is the measurement tool using proj library?
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Is the measurement tool using proj library?
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Is the measurement tool using proj library?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Is the measurement tool using proj library?
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Is the measurement tool using proj library?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Is the measurement tool using proj library?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Is the measurement tool using proj library?
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Javascript/Html terrain profiles won't show in Atlas export
- [QGIS-Developer] Layer inserted into a layertree group using a processing post processor does not repaint on toggle
Tejas L
- [QGIS-Developer] Layer inserted into a layertree group using a processing post processor does not repaint on toggle
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Locked layers and styles in layouts - where to see used layers?
- [QGIS-Developer] Locked layers and styles in layouts - where to see used layers?
- [QGIS-Developer] Locked layers and styles in layouts - where to see used layers?
- [QGIS-Developer] On github, gitlab, and imperialist nations screwing us all over...
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] On github, gitlab, and imperialist nations screwing us all over...
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] OSGeo4w shell misses paths to saga_cmd
- [QGIS-Developer] PKI Authentication for Rest Service in Processing Script
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Please upgrade psql inosgeo4w
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1000] Qdraw approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1038] Groundwater Vulnerability approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1048] Another DXF Importer / DXF2Shape Converter approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1066] Isogeo approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1135] History viewer for a PostgreSQL base with audit triggers approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1148] Potential Slope Failure approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1148] Potential Slope Failure approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1195] MPA Post-Hoc Accounting approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1195] MPA Post-Hoc Accounting approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1213] BoundingBox approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1213] BoundingBox approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1237] BoundaryDelineation approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1237] BoundaryDelineation approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1237] BoundaryDelineation approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1295] CSMapMaker approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1299] Isochrones approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1350] Mascaret approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1350] Mascaret approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1391] Asistente LADM_COL approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1391] Asistente LADM_COL approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1410] ImportPhotos approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1410] ImportPhotos approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1410] ImportPhotos approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1430] HCMGIS approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1430] HCMGIS approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1456] EO Time Series Viewer approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1456] EO Time Series Viewer approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1516] QGIS Full Motion Video approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1524] MzS Tools approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1538] Land Survey Codes Import approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1544] CityJSON Loader approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1544] CityJSON Loader approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1631] PAT - Precision Agriculture Tools approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1631] PAT - Precision Agriculture Tools approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1640] Aderyn Data Search approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1669] EnMAP-Box 3 approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1670] XYZ Hub Connector approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1670] XYZ Hub Connector approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1719] Bezier Editing approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1726] A-Maps approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1730] CHM from LIDAR approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1730] CHM from LIDAR approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1730] CHM from LIDAR approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1730] CHM from LIDAR approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1730] CHM from LIDAR approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1730] CHM from LIDAR approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1730] CHM from LIDAR approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1730] CHM from LIDAR approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1732] Usługa Lokalizacji Działek Katastralnych approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1732] Usługa Lokalizacji Działek Katastralnych approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1739] MODIS_NITK approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1740] WinCan VX integration approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1740] WinCan VX Integration approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1740] WinCan VX integration unapproval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1742] STAC Browser approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1750] MOS-Adeupa-CE approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1753] BHCgeo approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1755] AusMap approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1755] AusMap approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1758] Sample By Feature approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1763] Lidar Tile Maker approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1763] Lidar Tile Maker approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1765] Water Network Tools approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1767] Geoscan Forest approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1768] Trail Elevation Stats approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [202] QGIS Cloud Plugin approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [221] VectorFieldCalc approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [325] Chinese Postman Solver approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [325] Chinese Postman Solver approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [429] KLIC Viewer approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [429] KLIC Viewer approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [43] Layers menu from project approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [621] QgsWcpsClient1 approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [629] Networks approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [629] Networks approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [629] Networks approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [629] Networks approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [65] Mask approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [740] qgis2web approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [810] Bulk vector export as SLD and GeoJson approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [87] Profile tool approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [922] CKAN-Browser approval notification.
noreply at qgis.org
- [QGIS-Developer] plugins website static page
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] PostgreSQL execute and load SQL in Processing Modeler
Pedro Venâncio
- [QGIS-Developer] PostgreSQL execute and load SQL in Processing Modeler
- [QGIS-Developer] PostgreSQL execute and load SQL in Processing Modeler
Pedro Venâncio
- [QGIS-Developer] PostgreSQL execute and load SQL in Processing Modeler
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] prj files not used when adding layer by drag and drop
- [QGIS-Developer] Procesing pyqgis with alg decorator
- [QGIS-Developer] Procesing pyqgis with alg decorator
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Procesing pyqgis with alg decorator
- [QGIS-Developer] Procesing pyqgis with alg decorator
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Procesing pyqgis with alg decorator
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing script editor
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing script editor
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing script editor
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Projects without a CRS
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Projects without a CRS
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Projects without a CRS
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis: editFormConfig.widgetConfig
Prof. Dr. Jörg Höttges
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis: editFormConfig.widgetConfig
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS-Developer Digest, Vol 165, Issue 24
Giovanni Manghi
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS-Developer Digest, Vol 165, Issue 24
Stefan Steiger
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS-Developer Digest, Vol 165, Issue 24
Giovanni Manghi
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS-Developer Digest, Vol 165, Issue 24
Stefan Steiger
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS-Developer Digest, Vol 165, Issue 25
Giovanni Manghi
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS-Kerning-Errors?
Elstermann, Mike
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8.0 on FreeBSD: build takes several hours
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8.0 on FreeBSD: build takes several hours
Rainer Hurling
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8.0 on FreeBSD: build takes several hours
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8.0 on FreeBSD: build takes several hours
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8.0 on FreeBSD: build takes several hours
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8.0 on FreeBSD: build takes several hours
Rainer Hurling
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8 Transformations dialog
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8 Transformations dialog
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.8 Transformations dialog
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS and MSSQL Spatial
Alexander Bruy
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS and MSSQL Spatial
Alexander Bruy
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS and MSSQL Spatial
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Crashing on startup on Fedora 29/KDE Plasma
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS does not process PostgreSQL columns with geometry(Geometry, 4326)
wambacher at posteo.de
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server and native Processing algorithms
Alexander Bruy
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server and native Processing algorithms
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server and native Processing algorithms
David Marteau
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server and native Processing algorithms
Alexander Bruy
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server does not wait for remote SVG before rendering
René-Luc Dhont
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server does not wait for remote SVG before rendering
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS shortcuts on windows. With and without grass
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS shortcuts on windows. With and without grass
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS shortcuts on windows. With and without grass
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsProcessingAlgorithm: no output layer when cancelled
Nils Nolde
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsProcessingAlgorithm: no output layer when cancelled
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] QML Widgets in Forms
- [QGIS-Developer] QML Widgets in Forms
David Signer
- [QGIS-Developer] QML Widgets in Forms
- [QGIS-Developer] r.series of GRASS not working in pyqgis
- [QGIS-Developer] Raster tiles flashing when panning
matt caswell
- [QGIS-Developer] RES: Survey on If you use QGIS what do you like the most about it?
Jorge Almerio
- [QGIS-Developer] RES: Survey on If you use QGIS what do you like the most about it?
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Save layer metadata to global datasource
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Save layer metadata to global datasource
Gerald Kogler
- [QGIS-Developer] Save layer metadata to global datasource
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Save layer metadata to global datasource
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Save Log messages as pdf
Roberta Fagandini
- [QGIS-Developer] Save Log messages as pdf
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] Save Log messages as pdf
Roberta Fagandini
- [QGIS-Developer] Save Log messages as pdf
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] Save Log messages as pdf
Roberta Fagandini
- [QGIS-Developer] saving a layer with the world_map.shp
- [QGIS-Developer] saving a layer with the world_map.shp
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] saving a layer with the world_map.shp
Áron Gergely
- [QGIS-Developer] SCRAM postgres support
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] SCRAM postgres support
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] SCRAM postgres support
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] SCRAM postgres support
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] See map tile grid overlay.
Jeremy Palmer
- [QGIS-Developer] See map tile grid overlay.
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] See map tile grid overlay.
Jeremy Palmer
- [QGIS-Developer] Share upload rights for plugin authors
Henrik Spångmyr
- [QGIS-Developer] Share upload rights for plugin authors
Etienne Trimaille
- [QGIS-Developer] Share upload rights for plugin authors
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] Share upload rights for plugin authors
Henrik Spångmyr
- [QGIS-Developer] Some problems with the attribute table
- [QGIS-Developer] Some problems with the attribute table
- [QGIS-Developer] Some problems with the attribute table
- [QGIS-Developer] Some problems with the attribute table
Totò Fiandaca
- [QGIS-Developer] Some problems with the attribute table
Totò Fiandaca
- [QGIS-Developer] Some thought on LTR
- [QGIS-Developer] Some thought on LTR
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Status of CDash ?
Hugo Mercier
- [QGIS-Developer] Status of CDash ?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Status of CDash ?
Hugo Mercier
- [QGIS-Developer] Sunrise, Sunset, Lunar Calculations
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Sunrise, Sunset, Lunar Calculations
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Sunrise, Sunset, Lunar Calculations
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Survey on If you use QGIS what do you like the most about it?
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Updates of PyQGIS API website
- [QGIS-Developer] Updates of PyQGIS API website
Denis Rouzaud
- [QGIS-Developer] Updates of PyQGIS API website
- [QGIS-Developer] Visual changelog of version 3.8
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Visual changelog of version 3.8
Jeremy Palmer
- [QGIS-Developer] Visual changelog of version 3.8
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Visual changelog of version 3.8
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Visual changelog of version 3.8
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Visual changelog of version 3.8
Paolo Cavallini
- [QGIS-Developer] Visual changelog of version 3.8
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] WFS with only geometries?
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] WFS with only geometries?
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Where did the gdal / ogr provider logic go?
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Where did the gdal / ogr provider logic go?
Alexander Bruy
- [QGIS-Developer] Where did the gdal / ogr provider logic go?
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] Where did the gdal / ogr provider logic go?
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Where did the gdal / ogr provider logic go?
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Where did the gdal / ogr provider logic go?
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] WMS Request "GetPrint" to QGIS - Server fails with &ATLAS_PK
- [QGIS-Developer] WMTS problem on QGIS 3.4 server?
Luca Manganelli
Last message date:
Wed Jul 31 23:34:34 PDT 2019
Archived on: Wed Jul 31 23:34:36 PDT 2019
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