[QGIS-Developer] Issue in string translation

pierluigi de rosa pierluigi.derosa at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 05:10:16 PDT 2019

Dear All,

I'm working on a plugin that has been ported to QGIS 3.x
Everything works fine, even all translations are corrected generated in all
other .py files I'm not able to translate the string in the main .py file
of the plugin.

In the initGui function I have these lines:

self.CreateReceiverPoints_item = QAction(QIcon("
:/plugins/opeNoise/icons/icon_CreateReceiverPoints.png"), self.tr("Create
Receiver Points"), self.iface.mainWindow())
Even if I double checked that the mainfile openoise.py is added in the /
translation.pro such strings are not present inside the corresponding .ts

Where I'm wrong?

the code is available here:

Thanks to all

Ing. Pierluigi De Rosa (PhD in Earth Science)
Contract Professor of Geographic Information System at University of Perugia
cel: 3497558268 / fax: 075 7823038
skype: pierluigi.derosa
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