[QGIS-Developer] Plugin Manager can not see prod and testing plugin
Jacky.VOLPES-EXT at canal-de-provence.com
Fri Sep 13 00:53:08 PDT 2019
Thanks Borys, very clear answer, now it's fixed :-)
Jacky Volpes
HR Team pour la Société du Canal de Provence | 2SI - QGIS
Le Tholonet, CS70064
jacky.volpes-ext at canal-de-provence.com
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Borys Jurgiel [mailto:lists at borysjurgiel.pl]
Envoyé : jeudi 12 septembre 2019 21:28
À : qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Cc : VOLPES-EXT, Jacky <Jacky.VOLPES-EXT at canal-de-provence.com>
Objet : Re: [QGIS-Developer] Plugin Manager can not see prod and testing plugin
Dnia czwartek, 12 września 2019 14:15:35 CEST VOLPES-EXT, Jacky pisze:
> Dear all,
> I am developing a plugin and I want to install a testing version and a
> production version on QGIS desktop.
> I have a « testing » local repository and a « production » local repository.
> QGIS Plugin Manager only shows one of the two plugins in the install view.
> I can see my production plugin when I remove the testing repository
> from the plugin manager settings, and I can see my testing plugin when
> I remove the production repository.
> How does the Plugin Manager detects that the two plugins are the same ?
> They have different names, zip names, and versions.
That unique identifier is the Python module name (i.e. the directory name).
zip file name should be either:
Thus, what really counts is the file name *until the first dot*. If you have two zip files with different suffixes (after a dot), they are considered the same plugin. Please note the plugin name (that human-readable name) doesn't really matter for the installer/manager.
Plugin Manager doesn't fully support multiple versions, however, it can support two, using the <experimental> tag:
Plugin Manager always offers the highest available version, thus for users with experimental plugins enabled it will be 1.1, and for those with experimental plugins disabled it will be 1.0.
Best regards,
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