[QGIS-Developer] upload non-english plugin into official repository
Luigi Pirelli
luipir at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 02:01:52 PDT 2019
IMHO is enough
Luigi Pirelli
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On Fri, 13 Sep 2019 at 08:35, Matthias Kuhn <matthias at opengis.ch> wrote:
> Is an English description in the repository sufficient?
> The reason I'm asking is that we are currently developing a localized
> plugin and it would be nice to show the localized description in the plugin
> manager, so our "localized" users get the information in their preferred
> language (and I don't think we can provide translated plugin descriptions?).
> Thanks for clarification
> Matthias
> On 9/13/19 8:22 AM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Asking, not necessarily obtaining. Unfortunately managing hundreds of
> plugins takes a lot of my spare time, so something falls into the cracks.
> Thanks for noticing, could you please open a ticket?
> Cheers.
> On 13 September 2019 07:44:36 CEST, Alexander Bruy
> <alexander.bruy at gmail.com> <alexander.bruy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> чт, 12 вер. 2019 о 19:12 Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> <cavallini at faunalia.it> пише:
>>> What we are always asking is at least an English description, to allow
>>> users to decide whether a plugin could fit their needs, or perhaps is
>>> worth investigating the code for a similar problem.
>> This is not true, see for example http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/inspireNL/.
>> Both description and about are non English as well as UI, but plugin was
>> approved years ago and new versions still get approval.
> --
> Sorry for being short
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