[QGIS-Developer] Running vs triggering/opening a custom process via Python

Paul Wittle paul.wittle at dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Fri Sep 20 01:45:56 PDT 2019


Thank you for your answer as I think that has got me in the right direction. It will either be execAlgorithmDialog or the createAlgorithmDialog you reference.

Unfortunately I’m having a little trouble getting it to find the algorithm I’m trying to run at present but that led me to notice what might be a bug. Of course it might be intentional but execAlgorithmDialog returns False instead of None if it doesn’t find the algorithm. That in turn leads to an error message which appears accidental when you run the createAlgorithmDialog function.

I’ve created (probably badly) a pull request (https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/31899) to show the line I’m referring to.

It would be good to know how to actually setup and create that pull request correctly really but I never have time to get my head around all the processes involved. We work on Windows machines which Visual Studio so I never full trust the formatting etc but who knows it might be safe on such a small change.

Anyway, it would be useful to know if that is a bug or not and I’m sure I’ll work out why it didn’t find my script shortly so thanks for your help 😊


From: Luigi Pirelli <luipir at gmail.com>
Sent: 20 September 2019 07:31
To: Paul Wittle <P.Wittle at dorsetcc.gov.uk>
Cc: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [QGIS-Developer] Running vs triggering/opening a custom process via Python

you can get the dialog of the processing algorithm you want and use that... hereafter a snippet

    dialog = processing.createAlgorithmDialog("model:AjustarRasterGCP",




                     'grass7:r.mapcalc.simple_1:Raster MDS_UAV Ajustado':QgsProcessing.TEMPORARY_OUTPUT,



Luigi Pirelli

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On Thu, 19 Sep 2019 at 12:49, Paul Wittle <paul.wittle at dorsetcouncil.gov.uk<mailto:paul.wittle at dorsetcouncil.gov.uk>> wrote:

Sorry if this is a bit of a simple question.

I have created a script in the processing toolbox and it opens a dialogue box when you double click on it (as you would expect). Given that many users may not understand or even open the processing toolbox I want to trigger the script using a button in my custom plugin.

I know you can use processing.run(script/model, parameters) but I don't know the parameters and I don't want to recreate the dialogue box in my plugin.

Is there a python command to simply trigger/open a process to run (replicate clicking on it in the toolbox)?

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