[QGIS-Developer] Next user survey proposal

Clemens Raffler clemens.raffler at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 05:54:40 PDT 2020


I think that this is a great Idea! The way I experience it is, that 
there are large fields of geospatial analysis which (currently) can only 
be worked on using third party providers in QGIS (eg. cost distance 
analysis or raster analysis in general). Many of those workflows turn 
out to be not very stable (at least thats the case for me).

I would like to furtherĀ  work on the collection of native QGIS 
processing algorithms and knowing which algorithms are used most 
frequently would make it easier to focus the development of new algorithms.
I'm already very interested in the comparison/test-results you are going 
to post!


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