[QGIS-Developer] QSqlTableModel not working with PostgreSQL 12
Arnaud Morvan
arnaud.morvan at camptocamp.com
Thu Dec 10 06:40:31 PST 2020
Seems support for PostgreSQL 12 has been added to QtSQL 5.14 :
Concerning Ubuntu, seems Qt 5.14 is available in Ubuntu groovy 20.10,
but for dev purpose we could always find a workaround.
On the other hand, final users mostly use QGIS on Windows, some of them
use plugins base on QtSQL and this is blocking them from upgrading to
PostgreSQL 12.
I have no visibility on the available Qt version in next QGIS version
for Windows.
Is it possible we get Qt >= 5.14 in next QGIS version for Windows ?
Arnaud Morvan
Ingénieur logiciel
Tél: +33 (0)4 58 48 20 32
Camptocamp France SAS
18 rue du Lac Saint André
Savoie Technolac - Bâtiment Le Dauphin
F-73370 Le Bourget du Lac
Le 18/06/2020 à 00:48, Nyall Dawson a écrit :
> On Thu, 18 Jun 2020 at 02:20, David Erill <daviderill79 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Developing with QGIS 3.12 in Ubuntu Bionic
>> Any hints how could I solve this issue? Will Qt version updated in next releases?
> That's up to Ubuntu to decide -- you're getting the Qt version pushed
> out by Ubuntu, and the QGIS project doesn't influence this decision in
> any way...
> Nyall
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