[QGIS-Developer] Export as RGBA GeoTIFF a raster layer with symbology
Bourdon, Jean-François (DIF)
Jean-Francois.Bourdon at mffp.gouv.qc.ca
Wed Dec 16 12:43:32 PST 2020
I want to export as a RGBA GeoTIFF a raster to which I have applied a symbology but I can't find how to do it in Python. I want the same result as when I right-click on my layer, click Export -> Save As... and check Rendered image instead of Raw data. The GDAL tool PCT to RGB exist but is less flexible and, in my case, just crash with my layer. I didn't find a methods for doing this with a QgsMapLayer.
Thanks a lot
Jean-François Bourdon, ing.f.
Analyste en télédétection
Direction des inventaires forestiers
Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
5700, 4e Avenue Ouest, local A-108
Québec (Québec) G1H 6R1
Téléphone : 418 627-8669, poste 4304
jean-francois.bourdon at mffp.gouv.qc.ca
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