[QGIS-Developer] GeoSeer ogc services data harvesting

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Jun 9 02:45:18 PDT 2020

Hi Jonathan, 

Can you share with us how you harvest your information on available
public OGC services? You probably have that information published
somewhere - so if you could point me towards this URL, it would help. 

I noticed that all of the services of our province (my employer) can't
be found, as an example. 

Here is the start point: 


and the GetCapabilities link: 


So I wonder how many other QGIS server installations may not be in your
database? Of course I know you don't claim full coverage, but it would
still be good to know how you harvest your data. 

Thanks for clarifying and greetings, 

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