[QGIS-Developer] Add function group to functions_help JSON files

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 03:06:34 PDT 2020



Would it be ok to add a group key in the function help JSON files?
Something like this:

"name": "array_agg",
"type": "function", * "group": "Aggregates",*
"description": "Returns an array of aggregated values from a field or
"arguments": [
{"arg": "expression", "description": "sub expression of field to
{"arg": "group_by", "optional": true, "description": "optional expression
to use to group aggregate calculations"},
{"arg": "filter", "optional": true, "description": "optional expression to
use to filter features used to calculate aggregate"},
{"arg": "order_by", "optional": true, "description": "optional expression
to use to order features used to calculate aggregate"}
"examples": [
{ "expression": "array_agg(\"name\",group_by:=\"state\")", "returns":"list
of name values, grouped by state field"}


I am following Thomas Grattier effort to put all expression functions in a
single HTML page:


This is how he did it:


This made me think that would be great to have a complete list like this on
our documentation. But, unfortunately we can't use his approach which
generates HTML

My idea would be to use the JSON files in QGIS\QGIS to semi-automagically
populate the function list with Sphinx format files. Which would be much
easier to do, if there is a group key in each function.



Alexandre Neto
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