[QGIS-Developer] backporting nightmare

Denis Rouzaud denis.rouzaud at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 22:48:16 PST 2020

Le mer. 4 mars 2020 à 02:56, Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com> a écrit :

> On Wed, 4 Mar 2020 at 10:48, William Kyngesburye <woklist at kyngchaos.com>
> wrote:
> > If it's just a buggy backport bot, then that's bad timing on my part,
> after all my dwindling spare time it took me to get caught up on my Mac
> build, I get this.
> It is. The bot got seriously crippled by an upstream change, and now
> it's a coin toss on the results you'll get.

I plan to give another approach a try during the HF.
The idea would be to use a CLI tool (https://github.com/sqren/backport or
https://github.com/chainer/backport) which would be run a cron workflow.
Using a cron will avoid the issues of PR from forks (the workflow user has
rights to create branches).
Hopefully these tools work better than the current bot.
The only drawback I see up to now is that you'll have to wait for the cron
to start (30min?).


> > Don't Panic

Let's try ;)
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