[QGIS-Developer] Explicit policy re bug fixing responsibilities after new features

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 10:48:41 PDT 2020

I think it's a great idea... just to give an example...

I've the responsibility to do some maintenance work or refactoring of the
raster calculator I reintroduced in processing times ago.
Now that I've a complete hackmeeting organised only for me I can (try to)
do it ;)


Luigi Pirelli

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On Tue, 10 Mar 2020 at 11:31, Régis Haubourg <regis.haubourg at gmail.com>

> Hi Nyall,
> this sounds reasonable indeed, can we have a bit more background or
> pointers to real cases?
> One issue we faced these past months is that he exponential trafic on the
> issues and PR makes it harder to follow issues and just have the
> information that we could possibly be at stake somewhere.
> Last year I was able to follow +/- 80 % of the discussions. I must admit
> that lastly it became nearly impossible unless to work mostly on QGIS bug
> triaging or coding.
> I really don't know how we could improve our communication channels. Any
> hint welcome.
> Best regards
> Régis
> Le lun. 9 mars 2020 à 23:14, Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com> a
> écrit :
>> Hi list,
>> I'm after feedback on whether or not others think an explicit
>> policy/contract regarding bug fixing responsibilities for new features
>> is a good idea or not.
>> I would like to see something like this added to the developer guidelines:
>> "Following any new feature development, it is the original developer's
>> (or organisations) SOLE responsibility to implement bug fixes relating
>> to the new feature (or regressions to other parts of QGIS which have
>> resulted from its development). This extends up to the next major QGIS
>> release following the feature being merged*. It is NOT acceptable to
>> use QGIS.org sponsored bug fixing efforts to implement these fixes.
>> Failure to provide fixes to all reasonable bug reports raised for a
>> new feature may lead to that feature being reverted prior to release."
>> *i.e. currently 3.14
>> Personally, I think having this as part of our developer agreement
>> would help clear up some ambiguity and source of frustration/conflict
>> between developers.
>> Thoughts?
>> Nyall
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