[QGIS-Developer] [SoC] Request for QGIS 3D proposal draft review

BELGACEM NEDJIMA gb_nedjima at esi.dz
Fri Mar 27 06:09:51 PDT 2020

Hello everyone,
I finished my GSoC proposal for the QGIS project.
If anyone has any remark about it, please let me know before I submit the
proposal to GSoC website.
Best regards

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 1:14 PM BELGACEM NEDJIMA <gb_nedjima at esi.dz> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am Belgacem Nedjima, a fourth year student at the higher school of
> computer science (ESI - ecole supérieure d'informatique), Algiers. I am
> very interested in QGIS 3D project and discussed the project with mentor
> Martin Dobias and wrote a proposal draft.
> I would be very happy to receive feedback and clarify anything about my
> proposal before I submit to the GSoC website. If there is anything unclear
> or missing please let me know.
> The list of features required for the QGIS 3D project is quite extensive,
> so if there is any feature you think is more interesting than the features
> I mentioned in the proposal please let me know.
> Proposal document :
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dyszmpDlMpIV0T6oKEtIfCY5N2nXSp43LqF_h4U9p4A/edit?usp=sharing
> I am looking forward to your valuable feedback.
> Best regards
> --
> Belgacem Nedjima
> 4th year computer science and engineering student student.
> https://github.com/NEDJIMAbelgacem

Belgacem Nedjima
4th year computer science and engineering student student.
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