[QGIS-Developer] Cannot restart jobs on travis

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Tue May 5 09:14:41 PDT 2020


For some time now, I am no longer able to restart jobs on travis. I 
believe this was caused by some changes on their side, not exactly sure 

We had the same for our own opengis.ch repos, and "fixed" it by 
migrating them to travis-ci.com (from travis-ci.org). This shouldn't be 
a big thing, apparently travis wants to move everyone there 

I wonder if

- others can still restart jobs on travis?

- others have better ideas to "restore" the situation

- If someone should/could pull the trigger and migrate (here: 

-- In an ideal world we would never have to restart any jobs, because 
they all run stable. Unfortunately we are not there yet. Meanwhile I'll 
just continue to restart failing jobs manually. If I can. --


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