[QGIS-Developer] GeoPackage - where are we -where do we go

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Fri May 8 06:10:23 PDT 2020

Hi Tobias,

Please see my comment below.

Am 08.05.20 um 13:52 schrieb Tobias Wendorff:
> Am 08.05.2020 um 11:30 schrieb Matthias Kuhn:
>> I do not want to trigger a evangelical discussion here. I'd like to see
>> where we are and what we can reasonably do to have a default file format
>> which can be recommended with no bad feelings.
> Two downsides of GPKG, which I've experienced with many users, who
> worked with Shapefiles in the past:
> 1. A GPKG can contain multiple layers, but has one filename only. This
> confuses many users. They're expecting single files, like
> "houses_poly.gpkg" and "houses_point.gpkg". When they only see
> "houses.gpkg", they think they're missing anything. From the normal
> Windows Explorer (don't know about Nautilus etc.), you also cannot watch
> inside the GPKG file to check its content. It would be nice to make
> Windows parse GPKG's/sqlite3's metadata.

To me, this is not a downside, but a big, big plus! Fewer mess on the 
file system.

And it is the whole point  of a Geopackage, to package many data sets 
into one file, so it can be easily shared.

I  think we should concentrate in this discussion on the real technical 
issues, and not on philosophical differences or different workflows, 
which certainly have their pros and cons.

If you want to discuss this, please open a separate thread on it.



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