[QGIS-Developer] additional qgis news feed

michal.wloga at envirosolutions.pl michal.wloga at envirosolutions.pl
Fri Nov 13 01:29:26 PST 2020

Hello Devs,


I'm trying to append to QGIS News panel my own messages using python.

I have already set up backend using https://github.com/elpaso/qgis-feed 

It works: https://qgisfeed.envirosolutions.pl/

I can't find out how to fetch it and add to QGIS panel.


I'm fetching something from my source:


parser = QgsNewsFeedParser(QUrl("https://qgisfeed.envirosolutions.pl/"))



[<qgis._core.QgsNewsFeedParser.Entry object at 0x0000025A5A3C59D8>,
<qgis._core.QgsNewsFeedParser.Entry object at 0x0000025A5A3C5AF8>]


I'm fetching also from feed.qgis.org:


parser2 = QgsNewsFeedParser(QUrl("https://feed.qgis.org/"))



[<qgis._core.QgsNewsFeedParser.Entry object at 0x0000021B5C1D1168>]


But I need to add it somehow to QGIS interface. How can I do this?


EnviroSolutions Sp. z o. o.
Michał Włoga
 <mailto:coo at envirosolutions.pl> coo at envirosolutions.pl
 <http://www.envirosolutions.pl/szkolenia> www.envirosolutions.pl

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