[QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-developer] Select Within plugin, for Centroid Within and Point on Surface Within selections

Stefan Keller sfkeller at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 11:32:10 PDT 2020

Dear Heikki, dear QGIS devs

Recently I had the need to select features based on polygon(s) from another
IMHO this is a functionality which comes pretty close to "Geoprocessing
Intersection". In ArcGIS this exists quite some time.
After desperately seeking around I stumbled upon this nice plugin "Select
Within" which mainly does the job and which exists since QGIS 1.8 or so.
=> Q1: Did I miss somethin in QGIS v3.10?
=> Q2: If no, are there any plans to integrate this functionality into core?


Am Mi., 26. Aug. 2015 um 00:50 Uhr schrieb Heikki Vesanto <
heikki.vesanto at gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> Replicating the SQLite based methodology in:
> http://gisforthought.com/centroid-within-selection-in-qgis/
> But using a plugin. Was surprisingly straightforward, but an
> absolutely essential tool if selection postcode areas that fall within
> local council areas for example.
> Performance needs some work, and would love to see the functionality
> added to the Spatial Query core plugin in the future.
> Also having some issues with my metadata.txt file.
> It reads:
> [general]
> name=Select Within
> description=Centroid within and point of surface within selection
> between vector layers.
> category=Vector
> version=0.1
> experimental=False
> qgisMinimumVersion=2.0
> author=Heikki Vesanto
> email=heikki.vesanto at thinkwhere.com
> icon=icon.png
> homepage=gisforthought.com
> deprecated=False
> repository=https://github.com/HeikkiVesanto/QGIS_Centroid_Within/
> tracker=https://github.com/HeikkiVesanto/QGIS_Centroid_Within/issues
> <https://github.com/HeikkiVesanto/QGIS_Centroid_Within/tracker=https://github.com/HeikkiVesanto/QGIS_Centroid_Within/issues>
> tags=vector, select, selection, polygon, analysis
> But on the http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SelectWithin/ page the
> repository points to:
> http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SelectWithin/repo%20url
> Tried re-uploading and re-saving my metadata but alas no help.
> Any questions happy to answer.
> -Heikki
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