[QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-developer] Select Within plugin, for Centroid Within and Point on Surface Within selections
delazj at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 22:05:56 PDT 2020
Le 8 octobre 2020 02:07:26 GMT+02:00, Stefan Keller <sfkeller at gmail.com> a écrit :
>Salut Harrissou,
>Many thanks for the hint! My bad.
>It's actually "Extract by location" what I'm looking for.
Great you find what you were looking for.
>I somehow don't get the logic:
>1. of the Vector menu tool names (Analysis, Research, Geoprocessing,
>Geometry and Data management); and
I guess these are inherited from the old 1.x and 2.x Ftools/Gdal menus
>2. the criteria, when a Geoprocessing algorithm is being shown in the
>(like "Select by location"), and when not (Extract by location).
From memories, old tools of the Ftools were kept in the menus for coherence with previous versions. And new algs were added based on the assumption of their use by the vast majority.
Personally, I no longer use the vector/raster menus; all these functions are shortcuts to the Processing tools so better directly look at the Processing toolbox where more functions and a search box are available
>Am Mi., 7. Okt. 2020 um 22:05 Uhr schrieb DelazJ <delazj at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> Stefan, something like the "Select by location" algorithm [0]? I
>> find mention of it in 2.6 docs [1] so not something new.
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> Regards,
>> Harrissou
>> Le mer. 7 oct. 2020 à 20:32, Stefan Keller <sfkeller at gmail.com> a
>écrit :
>>> Dear Heikki, dear QGIS devs
>>> Recently I had the need to select features based on polygon(s) from
>>> another layer.
>>> IMHO this is a functionality which comes pretty close to
>>> Intersection". In ArcGIS this exists quite some time.
>>> After desperately seeking around I stumbled upon this nice plugin
>>> Within" which mainly does the job and which exists since QGIS 1.8 or
>>> => Q1: Did I miss somethin in QGIS v3.10?
>>> => Q2: If no, are there any plans to integrate this functionality
>>> core?
>>> :Stefan
>>> Am Mi., 26. Aug. 2015 um 00:50 Uhr schrieb Heikki Vesanto <
>>> heikki.vesanto at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Replicating the SQLite based methodology in:
>>>> http://gisforthought.com/centroid-within-selection-in-qgis/
>>>> But using a plugin. Was surprisingly straightforward, but an
>>>> absolutely essential tool if selection postcode areas that fall
>>>> local council areas for example.
>>>> Performance needs some work, and would love to see the
>>>> added to the Spatial Query core plugin in the future.
>>>> Also having some issues with my metadata.txt file.
>>>> It reads:
>>>> [general]
>>>> name=Select Within
>>>> description=Centroid within and point of surface within selection
>>>> between vector layers.
>>>> category=Vector
>>>> version=0.1
>>>> experimental=False
>>>> qgisMinimumVersion=2.0
>>>> author=Heikki Vesanto
>>>> email=heikki.vesanto at thinkwhere.com
>>>> icon=icon.png
>>>> homepage=gisforthought.com
>>>> deprecated=False
>>>> repository=https://github.com/HeikkiVesanto/QGIS_Centroid_Within/
>>>> tags=vector, select, selection, polygon, analysis
>>>> But on the http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SelectWithin/ page the
>>>> repository points to:
>>>> http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SelectWithin/repo%20url
>>>> Tried re-uploading and re-saving my metadata but alas no help.
>>>> Any questions happy to answer.
>>>> -Heikki
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