[QGIS-Developer] Save as PG dump create obsolete dumps

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Fri Oct 9 07:55:25 PDT 2020

Hi all,
this is what it is produced:

SET standard_conforming_strings = OFF;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."test_export" CASCADE;
DELETE FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = 'test_export' AND
f_table_schema = 'public';
CREATE TABLE "public"."test_export" ( "ogc_fid" SERIAL, CONSTRAINT
"test_export_pk" PRIMARY KEY ("ogc_fid") );

Why it is not using the modern syntax, with standard geom name

geom GEOMETRY(LineString, 4326));

All the best.
Paolo Cavallini
www.faunalia.eu - QGIS.org
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