[QGIS-Developer] QNetworkDiskCache::prepare() unable to open temporary file

r.aguilar at utwente.nl r.aguilar at utwente.nl
Wed May 12 03:17:44 PDT 2021

Dear devs,

I am still getting the error QNetworkDiskCache::prepare() in QGIS server (ubuntu bionic) ( https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/42491/warning-qnetworkdiskcacheprepare-unable-to-open-temporary-file).
This ‘error’ occurs when I move the map. When I send a getCapabilities request I get a warning (QGIS server side)
“WMS capabilities document not found in cache”
Did some search and tried some options (1) to get rid of this ‘error’ with no success.
I found that this question has been asked somewhere else ( https://www.mail-archive.com/qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org/msg48102.html <https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2021-April/048576.html> ) without answer yet.
I will rephrase my question then, is this something that I should be worried about or just live with that?

Best regards,

1. Giving full permissions to the folder for the cache.
2. Setting the TMPDIR  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1297403/change-temp-file-location-of-qgis-in-ubuntu
3. Configuring the cache folder (QGIS_SERVER_CACHE_DIRECTORY ) as explained in the doc.
4. Setting apache service with PrivateTmp=false ( https://muras.eu/2017/12/06/apache-ubuntu-systemd-privatetmp/; https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/26243)
5. Setting the variable directory in  QGIS3.ini file as below:

MSc Rosa Aguilar - PhD Candidate
University of Twente
Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation
Connect with me on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosamaguilar/?locale=en_US>
The essential is invisible to the eye. Saint-Exupéry

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