[QGIS-Developer] Offering QGIS installers through Windows store
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sat Dec 17 14:23:01 PST 2022
I've said it a few times, but I'll repeat myself one more time as it
can't hurt :-) I'd strongly advise for QGIS Windows installer to rely on
the massive Conda-Forge packaging effort. OSGeo4W is a bit of a
masochist effort when one sees that it packages everything from scratch,
a bit like if QGIS would take the responsibility of creating a Linux
distro from scratch, whereas leveraging Conda-Forge would enable QGIS to
benefit from > 90% of its dependencies already packages by a much bigger
community. The QGIS community could then concentrate on the QGIS build
recipee, and probably a few other packages specific to QGIS. Then the
QGIS installer itself would mostly bundle a subset of Conda-Forge
dependencies pinned at the wished versions.
Le 16/12/2022 à 16:59, Julien Moura via QGIS-Developer a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm working on the packaging purpose at Oslandia.
> Because we are committed to pushing QGIS in the most industrial
> information systems, at Oslandia we have been very interested in QGIS
> deployment for a few years now.
> We have reused and actively contributed to many projects: OSGeo4W v1
> mirror, NSIS and PowerShell recipes, presentations at FOSS4Gs (or at
> QGIS conferences), etc.
> Since this year, we are making efforts to de-correlate software
> deployment and end-user configurations (profiles): the QGIS Deployment
> Toolbelt (https://guts.github.io/qgis-deployment-cli/) has been
> created with this goal. It is still a young project and also it is one
> project among many others.
> We are obviously very interested in this project of packaging QGIS on
> Windows Store, a topic that we already discussed internally last year
> and that I discussed namely with Régis Haubourg in Florence. We
> obviously have some question marks and discussion points to make sure
> that all the process is in line with community and open-source
> governance. Still, it will be quite a challenge and we think it is a
> good direction to follow.
> As noted by others, this seems a huge undertaking though, and
> uncertainty paves the road and make this goal a distant future.
> We could start with gathering and referencing all resources dedicated
> to packaging, which would sum up as a website ( packaging.qgis.org ?)
> with all documentation regarding OSGeo4W recipes ( beyond the aging
> OSGeo trac ), and other packaging methods, like customized .deb
> packaging.
> The goal is to structure and promote knowledge on this topic to
> attract packager in addition to developers.
> And then we would also create packaging process documentation for
> Windows Store.
> Regards,
> Julien M
> Le 23/11/2022 à 10:41, Even Rouault via QGIS-Developer a écrit :
>>> - There is a requirement for every library in the package to be "UWP
>>> compatible".
>>> At that time, libpq (postgresql) didn't have that, so I stopped.
>>> It's hard to say how many other packages will also need special
>>> attention. [1]
>> Interesting. I know that people have contributed in the past fixes to
>> make PROJ *compilable* with UWP, but as we don't have a CI target for
>> that, it is unknown how it behaves at runtime.
>> GDAL likely fails to build with UWP according to
>> https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/1201
>> Without a CI target that can be hooked into github action (maybe that
>> exists. didn't check), UWP compatibility on the long term is going to
>> be hard to achieve.
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