[QGIS-Developer] Override System Locale user interface with American English by Default?

Jürgen E. Fischer jef at norbit.de
Thu Mar 24 15:13:33 PDT 2022

Hi Alexandre,

On Thu, 24. Mar 2022 at 18:43:24 +0000, Alexandre Neto wrote:
> I only have the PT_pt translation experience, but I am pretty sure the same
> should happen in other languages too.

I doubt that.  I wonder why the quality is so bad.  I would expect that most of
the translations are ok and only some are poor.  Review can help with those,
but should not be necessary to get usable translations at all.


Jürgen E. Fischer           norBIT GmbH             Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH)             Rheinstraße 13          Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer           D-26506 Norden            https://www.norbit.de
QGIS release manager (PSC)  Germany                 IRC: jef on Libera|OFTC
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