[QGIS-Developer] Mesh Layers: Way to update/repaint the QgsMeshRendererScalarSettingsWidget after recreating color ramp

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Tue Nov 29 04:46:59 PST 2022

Hi Devs,

I'm loading/styling QGIS via pyqgis.
I create my own (dynamic) color ramp, which is shown in the map.

My issue now is that the color ram in the Layer styling widget does not 
represent the actual ramp I created (see screendump).

I can force a 'repaint' of that widget, by adding a value in the gui via 
the green PLUS sign (and throwing it away).

Is there a way to do this 'update' of the widget via code?

There is no way to get to the QgsMeshRendererScalarSettingsWidget (other 
then maybe walk over the ui widget tree) is it? Or some signal I can 

Anybody an idea?

Or is this not something that is foreseen (I mean: loading/styling mesh 
via python code)?

Thanks for any hints,


Richard Duivenvoorde
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