[QGIS-Developer] RV: PyQGIS QgsLayoutExporter gives error "QPen::setWidthF: Setting a pen width that is out of range"

rbenet71 at gmail.com rbenet71 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 14:59:53 PST 2024

Hi Nyall,
                Thank you so much for your answer.
                    I put in yellow myAtlas.beginRender()
                In my app there are more code obviously, but not affect, to generate the picture/PDF.
                For mi the problem is inside this order:
                Something inside this order give the error.
                If I generate the picture with Qgis desktop program all works perfect, but if I do with “exporter.exportToPdf(file_name,pdf_settings)” then some elements not appear.
                Here you have and example.
                General Map have a lot of elements, I write a box where I make zoom.

                In Zoon_Map, you can see elements. Some of this elements not appear if I create the map with my code.

                I write a circle around and element.
                Thank you so much for your attention in advance.
Kind regards,
Robert Benet
De: Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com> 
Enviado el: lunes, 15 de enero de 2024 7:57
Para: Roberto Benet <rbenet71 at gmail.com>
CC: qgis-developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>
Asunto: Re: [QGIS-Developer] RV: PyQGIS QgsLayoutExporter gives error "QPen::setWidthF: Setting a pen width that is out of range"
On Sun, 14 Jan 2024, 6:35 pm Robert via QGIS-Developer, <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org> > wrote:
# Generate atlas
# Es una QgsLayoutAtlas
for i in range(0, myAtlas.count()):
    exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(myAtlas.layout())
    pdf_settings.exportMetadata = False
    pdf_settings.appendGeoreference = False
    #pdf_settings.textRenderFormat = QgsRenderContext.TextFormatAlwaysOutlines  # For "Always Export Text as Paths"
    pdf_settings.textRenderFormat = QgsRenderContext.TextFormatAlwaysText # For "Always Export Text as Text Objects"
    pdf_settings.rasterizeWholeImage = True # For "Disable tiled raster layer exports" Hace que ocupe menos si es TRUE
    pdf_settings.simplifyGeometries = False
Thank you In advance for your attention and help.
Have you stripped code out of this loop? Eg I can't see any call to atlas.next() within the loop.
In any case what you have looks generally ok. You'd need to share more of your code or project to diagnose further.
Kind regards,
Robert Benet
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