[QGIS-Developer] keys of the dict in setShapeProperties(dict)

Abdelghani Tamort abdel.tmrt at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 08:14:01 PDT 2024


Quick update, the right key to put was "model".



On Tue, 4 Jun 2024 at 09:40, Abdelghani Tamort <abdel.tmrt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Jacky,
> Thank you for your effort, it is much clearer now.
> Since Model has no property, then the dictionary in the
> .setShapeProperties() method should be empty?
> But how do I input the model's directory into the QgsPoint3DSymbol() ?
> Here is my attempt of doing so, for now it doesn't work :
> *# get the layer named "arbre"layer =
> QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName('arbre')[0]s = QgsPoint3DSymbol()#
> set 3d model to the symbolmodel =
> qgis.analysis.Qgis.Point3DShape(7)s.setShape(model)s.setShapeProperties({"Model"
> : "C:/Users/atamort/Downloads/trees_low_poly.fbx"})renderer =
> QgsVectorLayer3DRenderer(s)layer.setRenderer3D(renderer)*
> Any help would be appreciated !
> Best,
> Abdelghani
> On Mon, 3 Jun 2024 at 17:44, Jacky Volpes via QGIS-Developer <
> qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>> Hi Abdelghani,
>> Reading the source code, we can deduce the properties.
>> I agree that the documentation is too light here.
>> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/src/3d/symbols/qgspoint3dsymbol.cpp#L172
>> For a cylinder, the properties are "length", "radius" (default values are
>> 10).
>> For a sphere: "radius" (default value is 10).
>> For a cone: "length" (default value is 10).
>> For a cube: "size" (default value is 10).
>> For a torus: "radius" (default value is 10), "minorRadius" (default value
>> is 5).
>> For a plane: "size" (default value is 10).
>> For extruded text: "depth" (default value is 1).
>> For Model and Billboard: no property.
>> I only did a "translator" job here :-)   and I don't know if the 3D
>> shapes that are listed make sense for you.
>> Regards,
>> Jacky Volpes
>> Ingénieur SIG - Oslandia
>> Le 03/06/2024 à 17:33, Abdelghani Tamort via QGIS-Developer a écrit :
>> Howdy,
>> I want to know which are the keys of each shape in the
>> setShapeProperties(*self*, *properties: Dict[str, Any]*) method of qgis.analysis.Qgis.Point3DShape.
>> It would help me choose a 3d model as a point symbol.
>> There is no mention of them in the PyQGIS docs (
>> https://qgis.org/pyqgis/3.36/_3d/QgsPoint3DSymbol.html#qgis._3d.QgsPoint3DSymbol.shapeProperty
>> )
>> Cheers,
>> Abdelghani TAMORT
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