[QGIS-Developer] Maintainance of QGIS Plugin repository

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Fri Jun 14 06:45:21 PDT 2024

Hi all,
has there been a follow-up to this discussion?

I think I've missed it.



Il 01/05/2024 09:33, Andrea Giudiceandrea ha scritto:
> Il 30/04/2024 15:41, Admire Nyakudya via QGIS-Developer ha scritto:
>> Over the years there has been a steady increase in plugins that are 
>> not approved <https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/unapproved/>. 
> Hi Admire,
> thanks for sharing these info!
> Looking at the list of the 51 unapproved plugins, I see something which 
> seems strange to me:
> - there are some unapproved plugins for which it is reported a number of 
> downloads > 0 and also a number of "votes" > 0 although there is no 
> version available to be downloaded (e.g. "BigQuery Layers", 
> "FastVersion"): how is it possible?
> - there are some unapproved plugins having various version available to 
> be downloaded for which it is reported a great number of downloads and a 
> great number of "votes" and that are very recently updated (e.g. 
> "OpenQuake Integrated Risk Modelling Toolkit", "Lizmap" whihc is also 
> flagged as "Featured"): are they mistakenly listed among the unapproved 
> plugins?
> Best regards.
> Andrea

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