[QGIS-Developer] Using a Geodatabase as processing feature sink with Python

Simon Gröchenig groechenig at zt-gis.at
Fri Jun 14 00:11:52 PDT 2024


how can I set a GDB (geodatabase) layer as output in a processing algorithm with Python? The processing framework does not recognize the GDB correctly.
Currently, I try to use QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition('path-to-gdb|layername=xxx')

I also struggle to define the GDB in the processing dialog.



Vermessungskanzlei Neumayr

Simon Gröchenig - Geoinformation


Albin Egger-Str. 10

9900 Lienz

Tel: +43 4852 68568 31

Mobil: +43 664 1544804

Email: groechenig at zt-gis.at<mailto:groechenig at zt-gis.at>

Web: http://www.zt-gis.at/
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