[QGIS-Developer] Choose DEM layer as terrain in 3D view using PyQGIS

Abdelghani Tamort abdel.tmrt at gmail.com
Thu May 2 09:15:39 PDT 2024

Hello Stefanos,

This works for me, thanks! I've also adjusted the altitude clamping so the
buildings don't hover over the terrain.

I've tried to manually export the scene but the results is a bit
[image: image.png]
The terrain is broken, any ideas why ?

Also I've seen that in the python API documentation it is mentioned that
Qgs3DMapScene is not available. Which means I cannot export the scene using
[image: image.png]

Thank you in advance,



On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 23:26, Stefanos Natsis via QGIS-Developer <
qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi Abdelghani,
> You need to create a symbol, set its data defined properties, assign it to
> a 3d renderer and then assign the 3d renderer to the layer:
> ```
> s = QgsPolygon3DSymbol()
> p = QgsProperty()
> p.setField('field_containing_height')
> c = QgsPropertyCollection()
> c.setProperty(QgsPolygon3DSymbol.Property.ExtrusionHeight, p)
> s.setDataDefinedProperties(c)
> layer.setRenderer3D(QgsVectorLayer3DRenderer(s))
> ```
> Best,
> Stefanos
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