[Qgis-psc] Criteria fro HF refunding

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Feb 12 13:28:04 PST 2015


I can propose another approach - we can limit the travel subsidies per 
PSC/core dev. We don't fully refund all the expenses, but we'd limit the 
amount a person would get. Something like:

- PSC/core dev in Europe gets up to 300 € travel budget
- PSC/core dev from outside Europe gets a higher amount (maybe 800-1000 €)

That way we don't have a bottomless pit.

If every PSC and every core dev asks for a full refund of all travel 
costs we could easily spend more than we currently have on our bank account.

The goal is to limit the HF expenses to the budgeted 10k €.


On 12.02.2015 16:40, Anita Graser wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 3:31 PM, Paolo Cavallini 
> <cavallini at faunalia.it <mailto:cavallini at faunalia.it>> wrote:
>     the point, whatever approach we choose, is still the same: how to
>     decide
>     who's in and who's out? Without clear rules, PSC will be in
>     trouble, and
>     people unhappy.
>     All the best.
> ​Maybe we can have a voting on the different participant groups, for 
> example:
> ​:​
> ​ ​
> +
> ​1
> ​C
> ommitters
> ​:​
> ​ +1
> ​D​
> ocumentors
> ​:​
> ​ -1 for general applicability but there might be reasons where a new 
> feature requires the direct communication between a dev and the documenter
> ​I​
> nfrastructure maintainer
> ​: +1 direct exchange with infrastructure maintainers at the HF is 
> invaluable to improve our infrastructure situation imho ​
> Anyone who contributed at
> ​ ​
> least x lines of code
> ​:​
> ​ -1​
> for general applicability but there might be
> ​cases where a specific topic needs particular HF attention 
> (interactive discussion of a new big idea/refactor) and the main 
> developer might not be a committer. ​
> ​Best wishes,
> Anita​
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