[Qgis-psc] Paid doc reviewers campaign for QGIS 3.0 ?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Feb 2 05:22:24 PST 2018

Hi all,

Yes Giovanni - we still count on you! It would be good if you could 
dedicate time to the documentation.



On 02.02.2018 14:00, Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi Harrissou,
> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 12:49 PM, DelazJ <delazj at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi PSC,
>> This is a follow-up to the silence that answers my (in doc repo) and
>> Matteo's recent call for reviewers [0] for the Processing docs he's been
>> writing for some months now, and more generally for the docs.
>> While we are all eager and happy to show what we've done with QGIS 3.0, i'm
>> less proud of the documentation state. There's a lot to do but I wouldn't
>> want to expand here on the subject; i have already made it repeatedly, here
>> and there and when required, PSC has tried things. But give a look to the
>> recent activity in the docs repo and you'll maybe get what I mean.
>> Anyway, this mail is just to ask the PSC to please put on the monday meeting
>> agenda discussion of an allocation (if i'm not wrong, QGIS Docs has some
>> budget) for paid writers and reviewers for QGIS 3.0 (good after the bug
>> fix!). Maybe that will attract other people who in turn will take on this
>> task for a while.
> I guess this also regards me as I have accepted the task to start
> writing docs not long ago. As already commented with a few of you, it
> has been a rough patch lately for me. I was counting to start the task
> sooner but I have been delayed mainly for such personal reasons. If
> the deal is still on I was counting start (for real this time) by
> Monday (and continue trough the dev meeting and beyond).
> with regards
> -- GM --
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