[Qgis-psc] Migration to Github

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 04:42:34 PST 2018

I can say that even though the vote was passed the PSC did not agree to
> immediately switching to GitHub since they had concerns that they feel
> supersede the vote (as mentioned by Andreas below). The plan is to discuss
> (and conclude!) this at the hackfest in Madeira. It would be great if you
> could lead the discussion [1] since you are highly invested in this and try
> to lead everyone to an amicable, practical solution which has a clear
> majority (if such a thing is possible). I also appeal to others who have
> strong opinions about the bug tracker to participate in the discussion -
> lock yourselves in a room and don’t come out until you have some kind of
> consensus …. I’d really hate to see the discussion carry on beyond the
> hackfest as I think it is a diversion of effort away from the core work of
> making QGIS.

note: I will tentatively setup a dedicated laptop for this sessions (we
have already scheduled a few ones, have a look in the wiki page): It will
have a wifi mic, a decent web cam and external speakers. I will also bring
my projector. Tim is setting up Zoom sessions (also linked in the wiki

Denis: can I add you as stream leader for this session?


-- G --
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