[qgis-qwc2] New features in QWC2

Immo Blecher immo at blecher.co.za
Thu Apr 9 07:26:21 PDT 2020


Those features would be great!!! I have added a few notes (in green) in 
your feature list below which you may consider.



On 2020/04/09 16:02, Flavie Blard wrote:
> Hi,
> We are 2 GIS' French students and are in training.
>   * Flavie Blard
>   * Benoît Blanc
> During this months our goal is to improve QWC2 to answer users’ needed.
> We have identified different features on which we would like to work 
> on. But first, we would like to know if somebody already works on it 
> or think about it. Here are some ideas:
>   * Show the attribute table of a layer- maybe with a small filter
>     (SQL) tool and also export of the data
>   * Others formats to export data: KML, GEOJSON, … others ideas?
>     Geopackage?
>   * Import layers from other projects to a map instead of loading all
>     the layers of it
>   * Add a free hand-drawing feature to the drawing tool
  * Maybe printing to printer and not only PDF?

> Those are our propositions for which we are going to open feature 
> requests and then work on draft implementation. If you have any 
> opinion on the prioritary missing features, we would be happy to merge 
> our efforts.
> Best regards,
> Flavie and Benoît
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*Immo F. Blecher**
Street: */50 Lynedoch Eco Village, Lynedoch, Stellenbosch, 7603, South 
//*Postal:*//PO Box 74, Lynedoch, 7603, South Africa
//*Cell:*///+27 83 272 6791 |*Office:*+27 81 359 3704 |*Fax: *+27 86 736 
*Email:*_immo at blecher.co.za_ <mailto:immo at blecher.co.za> | 
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<mailto:immob at mymtnmail.co.za>
_*Internet:*_https://www.blecher.co.za/_ <http://www.blecher.co.za/>

Also contact me on: immoblecher



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