[qgis-qwc2] How to display local KML files inside the map

Roman Meier roman.meier at gismap.ch
Sun Jan 26 00:49:16 PST 2020

Hi folks,

I forgot to mention that the browser console throws the following error
when trying to add the  kml file:

TypeError: style.getStroke(...) is null QWC2App.js line 16770 > eval:256:30
    onload webpack:///./node_modules/qwc2/components/ImportLayer.jsx?:255

I have also attached the kml file I'm using for these tests.

Kind regards,

> Hi Sandro,
> I'm using the last theme of the demo-app which covers the whole world. The
> kml file contains data located in USA. It shows nicely using QGIS.
> The issue seems to be that the layer is not added upon clicking "Add
> layer". Shouldn't the layer be added to the layer tree?
> This is not happening here.
> Kind regards,
> Roman
>> Hi Roman
>> Make sure the sample data you are trying to display is actually located
>> somewhere in the extent of your theme, otherwise it might be that you
>> don't see it just because it's somewhere far away.
>> Supported formats are KML and GeoJSON. For instance, you can also export
>> a redlining layer to GeoJSON from the layertree and then re-import that
>> file.
>> Sandro
>> On 10.01.20 13:06, Roman Meier wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> The demo-app allows the display of data stored locally in a file.
>>> Unfortunately I couldn't find any documentation on this topic related
>>> to
>>> QWC2.
>>> It appears though that KML files are supported. I downloaded a sample
>>> file
>>> from https://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/kml_tut.
>>> This file seams to be read and the file size is displayed but upon
>>> click
>>> on "Add layer" nothing happens.
>>> Es there a sample file known to work in the demo-app so I can test
>>> this?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Roman
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