[Qgis-tr] Participating in Spanish Translation Team

Eduardo Gonzalez eg at gismood.com
Sat May 10 10:49:31 PDT 2014

Hi Carlos and Werner,

it really seems like a lot of effort has been put to Transifex but at least
in my opinion it really works very well and it is very easy to use. Thanks
to the team that made it possible!

I am sure that the coordinators will soon get used to working with
Transifex, Carlos Davila just joined as a coordinator a couple days ago.

Thank you Carlos and Minerva for joining the team!


On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Werner Macho <werner.macho at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Cesar!
> Well, we are still in the move of transfering translations to
> transifex - sometimes things can just take a while.
> Transifex is nice in supporting us with dedicated language
> coordinators - so we try to leave it up to the coordinators who and
> where they want to have people working on (cause they should know best
> about their language).
> Sorry if it takes a bit longer but we all have to get more and more
> familiar with transifex and the workflow.
> Thanks for offering your help - approved ;)
> kind regards
> werner
> On 05/10/2014 05:14 PM, Cesar Ametller wrote:
> > Dear Werner,
> >
> > I also sent a request few days ago to help in the Spanish QGIS
> > Documentation translation and I still do not receive any answer.
> > Thank You.
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> >
> > César
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