[Qgis-tr] About transifex updating

rodrigo rodri_armesto at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 7 04:34:34 PDT 2020

I am currently helping you translate the qgis documentation.
I have translated enough but I see that these translations do not carry over to the documentation page, so I cannot check if I am doing it right or not.
Previously, he had translated a large part of the qgis website and the translations were updated at least once a day.
What is it? Because if my work is not working, I am wasting time and effort.
By the way, why don't they name the collaborators at any time? For our efforts, to a greater or lesser extent, would at least deserve to be named somewhere, just like that of the sponsors.
Greetings, encouragement and thanks to all.
Rodrigo Armesto Baztán.

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