AW: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] EPSG:2180 not recognised, although present in srs.db

Maciej Sieczka tutey at
Tue Apr 8 08:00:49 PDT 2008

Hugentobler Marco pisze:
> I also tried the example tif with the latest svn trunk (r8327) and
> QGIS seems to detect epsg 2180 correctly. Maybe it depends on
> versions of gdal/proj4? The versions I use are proj 4.5 .0 and gdal
> 1.4.0

Thanks for feedback Marco.

I'm using gdal 1.5.1 (the latest stable) + svn r14224 and proj 4.6.0 on 
Debian testing.

I could also reproduce the bug on a WinXP Home machine running Tisham's
0.9.2rc1 from 16.02.2008 [1]. Dunno what GDAL and PROJ he is using in 
his build, but I assume newer than yours.

Could the problem be really down to GDAL or PROJ version?



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