[Qgis-user] calculate statistics on an attribute table

volkan kepoglu vkepoglu at gmail.com
Sun May 4 23:17:48 PDT 2008

Maciej Sieczka wrote:

 > Is there a way to quickly calculate statistics on an attribute table
 > column?

 Not that I know of. A workaround for doing this with external software:

 1. open attrubute table in QGIS
 2. select all rows (select first one, go to bottom of the table, press
 ctrl selecting the last row)
 3. ctrl+c
 4. open some spreadsheat/statistics software
 5. paste

 If your layer is PostGIS you can use PostgreSQL advanced stats features
 directly. If you want to put your SHP into PgSQL use the QGIS SPIT
 plugin or shp2pgsql CLI utility.

There is Qgis Basic Stats Plugin doing 'Summary (sum, mean, median etc.)',
'Histogram', 'XY-plot' written by Barry Rowlingson. R installation with Rpy
is prerequisite. I used in QGIS 0.9.1 working well, but not tested in 0.10.

More information about stats plugin:



volkan kepoglu
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