[Qgis-user] HomeRange plugin updated

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 01:31:42 PDT 2009

John C. Tull ha scritto:
> I've worked out the OS X linking issues. When I run on a modest dataset, 
> I now receive the following error. I'd be happy to test with another 
> shapefile of points if it will help.
> An error has occured while executing Python code:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> RRuntimeError: Error in kernelUD(dd[, c("X", "Y")], dd[, "ID"], h = 
> "LSCV", grid = grid) :
>   At least 5 relocations are required to fit an home range

this is a normal R error - to compute homeranges, subsets of points 
determined by the attribute in the colum you chose (for esample animal 
ID, month, year...) must contain at least 5 points. Even one subset with 
<5 points raises this error.
I suggest to group points by another column.
On my side, I will change the code to avoid Python error, and raise a 
info window instead.

many thanks and best regards,


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