[Qgis-user] Edit UI

John C. Tull jctull at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 08:28:17 PDT 2010

Mike and others,

There have been some useful posts recently about leveraging the power of postgis in qgis. What would be great is if someone or several people with postgis skills could produce some tutorials on how postgis can be used in qgis (beyond simply having a postgis database). Unfortunately, even a useful postgis query in the email list without a real-world example of implementation can be very intimidating or confusing for most users as sql is a challenge to the uninitiated. Ideally, a series of video or well-imaged written tutorials can be made that will walk people through some useful postgis capabilities.

Examples that would be helpful include setting up the triggers/views/functions that you alluded to below, performing intersections or other geometry calculations that can generate new postgis tables, adding area or length calculations to existing polygons in an auto-update field (is that possible?), etc.

Having the visual tutorials for leveraging the power of postgis in qgis would be a tremendous boon to the qgis community, and it would help set qgis apart from other gis software. Many people would benefit from this, and I include myself as one of the potential beneficiaries.

I hope that you or others may be able to rise to this qgis community need. If anyone knows of existing postgis/qgis tutorials, let's get a list in the wiki so people can find them easily.


On Mar 15, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Mike Toews wrote:

> If you had to lean anything useful, learn how to use
> PostgreSQL/PostGIS. You can easily set defaults for the database
> columns to automagically enter data, for example you want "now()" (or
> possibly "now()::date" for just the date and not the full timestamp).
> There are many other fun/useful things in the database world that you
> can do with QGIS (triggers, views, functions, etc.), but you don't
> need to dive into the deep yet to do simple things, like your task.
> -Mike
> 2010/3/15 Einar Guðsteinsson <einsigu at simnet.is>
>> Ouch, one dev tool more to learn.... when day will be 26 hours :-)  Can I use action or something else to set default value?  one field is string with date and I want today always to be automaticly filled in.
>> Einar
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Alex Mandel" <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>
>> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 9:32 PM
>> To: <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Edit UI
>>> Einar Gušsteinsson wrote:
>>>> Hi´
>>>> Got shapefiles that I would like to create my own edit screen for. Edit UI field in layer option is there but how do I create .ui file??
>>>> best regards
>>>> Einar
>>> UI files are made using Qt toolkit.
>>> http://qt.nokia.com/products/developer-tools
>>> Alex
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