[Qgis-user] GDAL tools

Julio Cesar Canales DElgadillo cadj0506 at yahoo.com.mx
Tue Sep 21 14:27:32 PDT 2010

Hi Giuseppe, Micha and Giovanni,

thanks a lot for your suggestion to solve my problem with GDAL tools. 
Unfortunatelly I can't yet solve the problem. This is the path to gdal plugins 
in my computer:
C:\Program Files\Quantum_GIS_Tethys\apps\gdal-16\bin\gdalplugins
and the gdalplugins folder is empty, so the gdal_GRASS.dll is not the problem (I 
think). I tryed the re-instalation of Qgis 1.5.0 in an atempt to save something 
missed in the first instalation but now I recive another error message:  "The 
process could not start. Or the invoked programm is missing or may have 
insufficient permissions to invoke the program". So, it is different to the old 
message. Do you know where the problem is? or have you some idea about what am I 
doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any comment/help with this. Have a nice day.
 Biól.MCF. Julio César Canales Delgadillo.
Barbarastr. 11
Fachbereich 5 Biologie/Chemie
Universität Osnabrück
49076 Osnabrück
Phone: +(49) 0541 969 3803
Movil: +(49) 0152 043 87082
Alternative E-mail: julio.delgadillo at biologie.uni-osnabrueck.de 

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