[Qgis-user] ECW Projection

Jean-Claude Repetto jcrml2 at mxm.eu
Wed Jul 13 06:45:59 PDT 2011

Le 13/07/2011 15:35, jonathanmoules at warwickshire.gov.uk a écrit :
> Just wondering if the project was aware of this as part of their ongoing
> ECW issues, but when you load a geo-referenced ECW into QGIS, it doesn't
> actually get properly referenced. Even if you manually set the
> projection for both the layer and the project it remains un-referenced
> with QGIS giving 0,0 co-ords to the top-left of the image. This same ECW
> works fine in GvSIG, Kosmo, MapWindow and ArcGIS. It's projected to
> EPSG: 27700.
> Jonathan

What does gdalinfo report about this file ? Can you provide a small sample ?

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