[Qgis-user] Style Layer Descriptor support

Lars Burman lars.burman at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 07:13:15 PST 2011


I have made an WMS-service using ArcGIS-server. It is 4 layers, 3 with
polygons and every layer has a certain color, the 4th layer is labels for
the polygons.

With the service I made an .SLD file becuase I wanted to pick certain
colors and I wanted transparency for the polygons and I wanted to decided
on what scale to show the labels. I want it to be 1:500 000 and closer.

Everything works fine, I can consume the service in Qgis 1.7.1, I can see
the layers and labels, and they have the colors I wanted. But two things do
not work, the transparency and the set scale. This however works if I
consume the service in ArcMap.

*I guess my question is, does QGis support the ArcGIS .SLD?*

This is my code, under the element <rule> - <PolygonSymbolizer> - <Fill>
<sld:CssParameter name="fill">#D23262</sld:CssParameter>
<sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">0.5</sld:CssParameter>


Any idéas?


Regards, Lars
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