[Qgis-user] Populate Title and Abstract metatdata from WMS/WFS?

John Abraham jea at hbaspecto.com
Wed Dec 12 12:29:15 PST 2012

If I add a WMS layer to QGIS I can see the WMS defined "title" and "abstract" metatdata in the Metadata properties, but the QGIS Title and Abstract at the top are blank.  Wouldn't it make sense to populate those with the WMS title and abstract?

If I add a WFS layer, I can't even see the wfs defined "title" and "abstract" once the layer is loaded, although they show up when browsing to decide to add the layer.  As with the WMS layers, the QGIS Title and Abstract are blank.

Am I doing something wrong, can anyone else confirm this?  Should I request this as an enhancement/improvement?

John Abraham
jea at hbaspecto.com

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